Royal Enfield Royal Enfield Royal Enfield Royal Enfield Royal Enfield

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Introducing the Royal Enfield Borderless Warranty, which spans 3000+ service stations in 70+ countries around the world. Get access to our authorised service stations, no matter where the road takes you, and ride uninterrupted every time.

All Motorcycles irrespective of the country of registration can avail Warranty Services from a Royal Enfield Authorized Dealer workshop / Service Centre when ridden in another country, other than its home country. (Not applicable for motorcycles exported from one country to another under personal imports) Customers can perform General Repairs / Maintenance services using Genuine parts in 3000+ service stations in 70+ countries spread across 2,321 cities.

Eligibility For Claiming Borderless Warranty

● Any Royal Enfield motorcycle currently under warranty is covered under "Royal Enfield Borderless Warranty ”.

● Such eligible Royal Enfield Motorcycles, irrespective of the country of registration can avail Warranty Services from a Royal Enfield Authorized Dealer workshop / Service Centre when ridden in another country, other than its home country. (Not applicable for motorcycles exported from one country to another under personal imports).
● The periodic maintenance services have been availed in the respective period/kilometer ranges as per the schedule in the owner’s manual from a Royal Enfield Authorized Dealer workshop/Service Centre.
● For more details, please refer to the Royal Enfield Borderless Warranty Policy.
● We invite riders to share the travel plan for uninterrupted ride support throughout the trip. Interested? Register yourself for ride assistance using the form below.

Ride Assistance Request

Complete the form and take one step closer to the first of many mesmerizing rides


Please enter your name.
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Please enter valid 17 digit VIN/Chassis number
Please enter valid VIN / Chassis number
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Future Contact

In addition to this enquiry, Royal Enfield would like to keep in contact with you in the future regarding items that you may be interested in. Please be assured your information will be treated with the utmost care and we will never pass on your details outside of Royal Enfield, our Distributors, Dealers and Partners. Select below the channels of interest so we can keep you up to date with all things Royal Enfield.

Please contact me about :

Before submitting, just to let you know, you have not selected community activities

Disclaimer: By signing this form/checking this box, you acknowledge and agree that we may use the information you share with us, to communicate with you through e-mails, text messages, WhatsApp and calls, in order to provide warranty support. All information provided will be secured and processed as per our privacy policy.

I accept the terms and conditions as well as privacy policy.

Please accept the terms and conditions.

Frequently Asked Questions

"Royal Enfield Borderless Warranty", offering riders unprecedented freedom to ride and conquer new horizons. Breaking barriers and redefining adventure, Royal Enfield becomes the first Indian automotive brand to introduce this global warranty initiative, encouraging Royal Enfield owners across the globe to rev up, ride more and explore without limits.

No, they are same

No. Royal Enfield will offer the Borderless Warranty at no extra cost to customers.

The rider should carry maintenance and service records, proof of ownership and Motorcycle registration document  (original / photocopy / softcopy)  for verification by the dealer.

• Yes, the customer is eligible to claim the warranty.

• Repairing/replacing part(s) of the motorcycle free of cost  only if the part(s), on examination, is deemed to have a manufacturing defect. Defective part(s) which have been replaced will become the sole property of Royal Enfield after due verification.

• The rider shall bring the motorcycle to a Royal Enfield Authorized Dealer Workshop / Service Centre on his own cost and means.

Refer to the below to know the List of authorized Service network across each region.



Rest of the World -

No, RSA is applicable only in his home country.

No, customers have to manage on their own.

• Refer to your Royal Enfield Motorcycle's Owner's Manual for list of items not covered under warranty.

• Royal Enfield Authorized Dealer workshop / Service Centre shall take utmost care while disassembly and reassembly or removal and refitment of non-genuine spare parts and accessories including electrical or electronics items like fog lamps, high power lamps, aftermarket horns, mobile phone charger, navigator etc. However, the Dealer workshop / service center shall not take responsibility for any breakage / damage / malfunction / inability to refit due to non availability of special tools / skills etc while servicing / repairing the motorcycle.

• Royal Enfield nor its dealers and / or its distributors shall not be held liable for any loss including loss of time / money due to delay in servicing / repairing the motorcycle and the rider is responsible to make his own arrangement for accommodation, further travel etc.

Not covered.

Not eligible for Factory Warranty  / Borderless Warranty Program.

• Any Royal Enfield motorcycle currently under warranty is covered under "Royal Enfield Borderless Warranty".

• Such eligible Royal Enfield Motorcycles, irrespective of the country of registration can avail Warranty Services from a Royal Enfield Authorized Dealer workshop / Service Centre when ridden in another country, other than its home country. (Not applicable for motorcycles exported from one country to another under personal imports).

• The periodic maintenance services have been availed in the respective period/kilometer ranges as per the schedule in the owner"s manual from a Royal Enfield Authorized Dealer workshop/Service Centre.

It is same as Motorcycle primary warranty.

Refer to your Royal Enfield Motorcycle's Owner's Manual for list of items covered under warranty

Yes, you can. However, it will be better, if you share your travel plan well in advance with Royal Enfield, so that dealers in the ride route shall be prepared for any support.

• Yes, the customer is eligible to claim the warranty.

• Repairing/replacing part(s) of the motorcycle free of cost only if the part(s), on examination, is deemed to have a manufacturing defect. Defective part(s) which have been replaced will become the sole property of Royal Enfield after due verification.

• The rider shall bring the motorcycle to a Royal Enfield Authorized Dealer Workshop / Service Centre on his own cost and means.

Only Royal Enfield Authorized workshops are eligible to repair motorcycles under warranty. Hence, expenses towards any repairs performed in an independent workshop / local garage cannot be reimbursed.

Yes, it is covered. Customer has to provide necessary documents for verification.

• The Servicing Dealer Workshop"s / Service Centre"s obligations shall be limited to repairing/replacing part(s) of the motorcycle free of cost  only if the part(s), on examination, is deemed to have a manufacturing defect. Defective part(s) which have been replaced will become the sole property of Royal Enfield after due verification.

• The rider shall bring the motorcycle to a Royal Enfield Authorized Dealer Workshop / Service Centre on his own cost and means.

• Royal Enfield Authorized Dealer workshop / Service Centre  shall work towards delivering the motorcycle at the best possible time. However, servicing time /period may be longer than usual / extended subject to the availability of required emission / country specific homologated spare parts in the given country.

It is advisable to have prior appointment for special attention.

Any Royal Enfield Motorcycle not imported through an official importer is not eligible to claim Factory Warranty  / Borderless Warranty.

In the event the motorcycle is required to be towed to another workshop for further repair or to the rider's home country as repatriation, it shall be done on rider’s own expenses and risk.


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