Royal Enfield Royal Enfield Royal Enfield Royal Enfield Royal Enfield



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In April 2011, ten years ago, the first ONE RIDE kick started what has now become one of the largest, calendarized, annual celebratory ride of Royal Enfield enthusiasts. With no specific route or destination in mind, some on their own, others with friends - ride freely - purely for the pleasure of motorcycling on their Royal Enfields. With silent nods to grease talk, the riders are united.


In 2021, a world greatly changed, a world that needs each one of us to be more mindful, we are shifting gears from a ride of just pure pleasure to riding for awareness around responsible travel. A step change that will enable us to continue to discover the spaces we find energy, beauty, solace and ourselves in.


This One Ride the community of Enfield riders can mobilize its strength to lead this change - towards “Responsible Travel“ by doing their little bit to #LeaveEveryPlaceBetter.

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