Royal Enfield Royal Enfield Royal Enfield Royal Enfield Royal Enfield


What is Slide School?

Flat tracking is a fun, emerging and accessible form of motorcycling which is among the fastest growing motorsports in the World. Royal Enfield is conducting SLIDE SCHOOL at Rider Mania for riders to experience this fun format in a controlled and safe environment. The trainers will guide you in the basics of flat tracking on the customized Royal Enfield Himalayans available as a part of the school. By the end of the school, you’ll be sliding like there’s no tomorrow.

Flat Track is not only the fastest growing motorsport in the world and rightfully so, it is reasonably easy to learn, involves a comparatively low set up cost and is a whole lot of fun. Royal Enfield Slide school aims to introduce/help/assist in understanding the nuances of this sport and together build something great with our school partners.


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