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01 May 2018


Leading automotive journalists in India consitute the jury of the ICOTY and IMOTY awards, created in the line of American Car of the Year, European Car of the Year and Japanese Car of the Year.

OVERDRIVE executive editor and IMOTY chairman Vikrant Singh, BBC TopGear India editor and ICOTY chairman Girish Karkera, and JK Tyre & Industries Limited president and director Arun K Bajoria handed over the Indian Car of the Year trophy to the Hyundai Grand i10 and the Indian Motorcycle of the Year trophy to the Royal Enfield Continental GT on behalf of the esteemed jury of ICOTY & IMOTY 2014.The ICOTY and IMOTY are aimed at recognising focused, consistent and rigorous efforts made by auto manufacturers, with the highest levels of performance in the areas of design excellence, innovation and R&D.Of the several cars and motorcycles launched in 2013, around 17 qualified for the 2014 ICOTY & IMOTY award of which 9 made it to the final shortlist. These were further evaluated during a jury round at Lonavala, near Mumbai on December 9, 2013. Hyundai Grand i10, Honda Amaze and Ford Ecosport eventually finished as the top 3 finalists for ICOTY, while the top three for the IMOTY included the RE Continental GT, KTM Duke 390 and Hyosung Aquila Pro.The nominated cars and motorcycles were judged on various parameters such as price, fuel efficiency, styling, comfort, safety, performance, practicality, and technical innovation, value for money and suitability for Indian driving conditions.
