Rules & Regulations - Himalayan Odyssey 2024 | Royal Enfield Australia
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Rules & Regulations

Rules & Regulations


Riding Gear:

Riding gear is mandatory. It should consist of:

● Full face helmet ( Mandatory )
● Riding boots / waterproof Ankle length boots (Quechua / Woodland / similar shoes) not applicable
● Full sleeves riding jacket with protectors
● Full Gloves ( preferably waterproof )
● Riding Pants / Knee guards
● Rain Gear

Environmental responsibility:

Year on year, the Himalayas get visitors in increasing volumes. Over the 18 years of Himalayan Odyssey we have observed some of the most pristine and immaculate places getting deteriorated due to sheer lack of concern on the part of travellers. We advise everyone on the Odyssey to show concern towards the environment and ensure that we leave zero impact on the environment through our activity and conduct.

To meet the demands of the increasing tourists in the region, more and more products are brought into the valley with some of them packaged in non-biodegradable materials that is affecting the ecological balance and leading to unpredictable weather in the valley. Every year more material comes in but nothing leaves. Please do join us in our efforts to promote a more responsible motorcycle riding culture.

● Say ‘No’ to plastic: Avoid imported packaged water; refill your bottle with boiled/ filtered water. Where possible, avoid foods and other products packaged in plastic. - alternatives - use metal bottles refill with water
● Save water: Use water sparingly and wisely particularly in mountains where it is a precious and expensive commodity. - for activities like bathing washing etc
● Save energy: Be careful not to waste valuable resources. Use local resources sparingly. Switch off lights, heaters/air-conditioning and fans when you leave the hotel room.


We advise you to travel light. A support vehicle is arranged on the Himalayan Odyssey to carry your luggage. Some things to keep in mind:

- Each rider is allowed one bag or a trolley with a maximum permissible limit of 20 kg
- A rider is responsible for carrying the luggage from their room to the vehicle and taking it back towards the end of each day. Each rider must ensure that their luggage is loaded and unloaded each day.

Satellite luggage (to be carried on the motorcycle at all times) - In case the vehicle carrying the luggage gets held up for some reason, we should be prepared and equipped to make ourselves comfortable for a few days. Carrying the following basics on your motorcycle is advised:

1. Change of clothes and footwear to get comfortable while the luggage vehicle arrives
2. Set of spark plugs
3. Throttle & clutch cables
4. Spare tube (front & rear)
5. OEM toolkit
6. A torchlight
7. Basic First aid kit with essential medicines, or your prescribed medication if you are on medication
8. Hydration pack / water bottle / (No single use Plastic bottles)
9. Light, high energy snacks
10. Spare bike key
11. If you wear glasses or contact lenses, please carry spare spectacles, lens cleaning solution, and lenses.
12. Camera/phone and spare power supply, chargers, memory storage devices, etc.
13. Anything else you might require between the time of your reaching the destination and the arrival of the luggage vehicle.
14. Bungee cords to tie down the satellite luggage on to motorcycle
15. Rain cover for your luggage to protest against inclement weather.